Finja Sander

1996 in Hildesheim, Germany
based in Berlin, Germany

Finja Sander chooses the medium of performance as a recurring constant in her works. She looks for breaks and ambivalences in the everyday, for disregarded automatisms that she picks out, isolates and brings into new contexts within multi-part processes.

In Sanders multimedia work series Für Morgen (For Tomorrow), Finja Sander continues and develops her intensive questioning of German culture of remembrance and commemoration.

In Sanders multimedia work series Für Morgen (For Tomorrow), Finja Sander continues and develops her intensive questioning of German culture of remembrance and commemoration.

Her own body is a source of impulses, a catalyst, a kind of seismograph. Strategies of staging and exaggerating gestures deepen and consolidate her performative theses. These develop into, among other things, expansive, space-specific sculptures and installations.