Finja Sander
Fernab jeglicher Schwere

31.3. – 6.4.


The exhibition Fernab jeglicher Schwere is part of Finja Sander's multimedia work series Für Morgen. In her first solo show at galerie burster Karlsruhe, the artist continues her intensive questioning of German culture of remembrance and commemoration and, based on this, develops three spaces that are occupied by performance, sculpture and photography.

For the work Performance 37, Sander uses 20.000 posters printed with the omnipresent exclamation Für Morgen. She pastes these on top of each other in a process that takes several days. Whenever a critical mass of glued sheets is reached that threatens to slip off the wall, the block is removed from the wall and piled up on the floor to form a stele. If the repetitive gesture initially reminds us of politically motivated interventions in public urban space, the fleetingly formulated message builds up over the course of the work process into a cubic, anonymous-looking monument.

The glass wreaths, displayed on oak plateaus in the back room of the gallery, evoke associations with national mourning rallies and commemorative ceremonies. In the interplay of fragile glass fragments, solid wood and fir branches draped on the floor, Sander develops a re-evaluation of the role of commemoration, away from concrete historical references. Only the reduction to material and repetitive gestures, the formal disassociation from concrete historical and ideological references, enables reflection on the obstacles and potentials of contemporary culture of remembrance. –– Nikolas Geier